Multiple Intelligences
Here is my learning profile:
As you can see from my profile, I am body smart , logical in my thinking , knows myself and others well. However, I am not linguistic, which thus explains my weakness in languages, not really picture smart, neither nature nor music smart too.
So what are the implications of this learning profile? It shows how we learn.
Being kinaesthetic smart means being very active and not get tired easily. That explains my activeness in various sports I guess. However, being kinaesthetic smart means being very active which is not a very good sign for my studies, as I tend to get restless during lessons. Yes, I do admit sitting down for a 1 hour lecture is extremely hard for me.
Linguistic smart means very good in expressing one's feelings through words. I am not very able to do that, and this can lead to miscommunications because the other person does not understand what I have said.
I am logical, which explains why I can cope with my maths, for sec 1 at least.
I guess the others are very literal and do not need me to explain and elaborate.
Being interpersonal means knowing others well, thus, I am able to know their feelings through their actions so I am able to get along with others more easily.
Being intrapersonal means knowing myself and my limits. I always have a target on what I want to achieve and do not do any thing without any aim.
Friday, February 26, 2010
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